Sponsored Knit-A-Thon
Join us in celebrating the Food Train's 30th Anniversary with our sponsored Knit-A-Thon, a year-long knitting campaign aimed at generating funds to support our vital services.
From July 2024 - June 2025, our anniversary year we are encouraging beginners or established knitters, to get knitting either on your own, together with another knitter, or gather with a group of crafty friends to participate. You can knit a scarf, a hat or be more adventurous and knit some gloves, there are no limits on the number of items you can knit. It’s all for a good cause.
Kicking off on Monday 1st July 2024, the aim is to raise over £30,000 of which every penny will directly contribute to supporting older people to eat well, age well and live well at home. Additionally, all knitted items will be gifted to our older members or individuals facing hardship within communities across Scotland.

There are several ways to participate:
- MAKE a donation HERE consider gifting £1 for each year Food Train has been operating (£30 for 30 Years) if you are sponsoring someone you can add their name in the comments box.
- SIGN UP to knit HERE
- DONATE some wool by emailing us HERE
- SHARE with your knitting community, group, school etc. If you would like an A4 poster to display click HERE