Eat Well Age Well

Tackling malnutrition in older people living at home in Scotland.

Our advice line is available to support anyone over the age of 65 with their diet. Call us on 0131 447 8151


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About Eat Well Age Well

Eat Well Age Well is a national project brought to you by Food Train and funded by the Scottish Government and People's Postcode Lottery.  Eat Well Age Well aims to contribute to the prevention, detection, and treatment of malnutrition among older people living at home in Scotland.

We work with a wide range of groups including the voluntary sector, local and national government, health professionals and local communities to develop initiatives and resources that will make a difference to older people and help them to eat well.

Malnutrition (also known as undernutrition) is a significant public health issue that disproportionately affects older people in Scotland. Malnutrition occurs when a person's diet does not meet their nutritional needs. Malnutrition can affect anyone but we know that at least 1 in 10 older people in Scotland are at risk of, or are living with malnutrition. Malnutrition is often a silent and hidden issue, with low awareness amongst the public and health and social care professionals.

Eat Well Age Well aims to deliver long term changes that will reduce the prevalence and risks of malnutrition among older people in Scotland and create positive outcomes for our older population.

Find out more about the work we do:

A group of women having a discussion about the EatWell guide.


We offer a variety of training to increase your knowledge and understanding of malnutrition.

A young woman who is having a discussion with an older gentleman across a table over a hot drink and biscuits.


Regular screening is vital to the prevention of malnutrition.

A collection of Eat Well Age Well promotional materials.


We have developed a number of resources to help you tackle malnutrition.

A group of people having a discussion while completing information on papers.


We share the voices and views of older people to create better food and nutrition access.